Friday, December 2, 2016

Thanksgiving scene group project

Hello, fellow bloggers. This week, I and my friend got approved to make a group project. And ours is a Thanksgiving dinner scene. He chose to make the room and the figures. I am building the stuff that will be added in, such as drinking glasses, dinner plates, silverware, and the food. As you can see, I only have the glasses, plates, and silverware done. I am currently working on the food and will post when everything is done. So, for the glasses, I used a lathe nurbs and lathe to create the glasses. And then added a hypernurbs to make the object smoother. I don't need to tell you, how I did the plates, because I used the same method to make the glasses. The silverware, however is interesting to how it was done. Instead of using the bezier spline, I instead used the cubic spline. I traced around the object and then scaled the objects up such as the spoon and fork. I then bent the front part to make it more usable in actuality. But it was really hard and stressful to make. Thanks guys, and I will have the completed scene and post it when it is done.

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