Friday, December 2, 2016

QWERTY New and improved Virtual Keyboard

Hello there again, fellow viewers. My third project is finally done. I have really enjoyed doing product design. And over the past two weeks,  I have come up with the final design of my keyboard. Some of you are probably wondering, why isn't it red like you originally planned to. Well fellow viewers. I have changed the color from red to blue. Because I like the color blue more and it also makes you calm and many people around the world, say that blue is their favorite color. But anyways, thanks for waiting and here is my project. Before I could build the keyboard, I had to build the projector in which it displays the keyboard. I used a cube and then used a boole to cut out a rectangle to then add the cameras, lense, and then the cover. After that I put textures on the projector. I then started on the keyboard. I originally did it free hand. But then I used a template of an Apple keyboard. I then made the keys by using cubes and doing it row by row. And then adding the text. I then added a spotlight for the beam and changed the keyboard to blue. I changed all the lettering to a green and added a glass floor and rendered it at multiple angles with global illumination. This isn't just any normal virtual keyboard with a small keyboard that is not very comfortable to type and has errors when you type fast. I took into account of these and made a full size virtual Apple keyboard. I also made the keys larger for more comfortable typing and has a larger layout. To make it more practical to type reports and essays. It also has arrow keys and a number pad and command and control keys. There are also two cameras that track your typing up to 1,000 words per minute. Having no problem with those who type fast. Thank you for viewing this weeks project and I will have another post in two weeks. Bye!

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