Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Demo Reel

Hello fellow viewers again. I have some very sad news. This will be my last post I will ever do. Because, after tomorrow. I will no longer have this class because I am a senior. So here I go about the demo reel. So, this is a collection of all the work that I have done this year and does include a few videos. I originally planned to make this on Cinema, but I forgot to save the project and I was almost done and decided to abandon the project. So I decided to use iMovie instead which turned out great. I compiled all my projects, videos, and animations to make a 3 minute video just for you guys. I hope you enjoy the work that I have done this year and goodbye. If you want to see how I did one of these projects, I have individual blog posts for each project that I have done this year. And don't forget too check out the other videos that I have done over the years and see how far I have come to this point. And I sign off, for now until I can make and share stuff again. But goodbye, for now!

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