Thursday, October 8, 2015

Deck chair, Park Bench, iPod

This week, I have completed three projects. They are the deck chair, the park bench, and the iPods. The deck chair, was medium-hard to make, because it required a new technique that I have not learned before, which was arranging objects along a spline. And making copies of the objects. Every part of it was using splines and nurbs. The park bench was hard, because it required the same technique. The problem, is that the tutorials are out of date, they are from 2007, and were very hard to understand. The iPod was very quick to make. Then I went all out on it, by adding a click wheel texture, custom metal colors and album art. There are six colors green, red, blue, grey, black, and pink. I hope you enjoy them. I will do my midterm tomorrow, goodbye.

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