Friday, October 9, 2015

MidTerm Project

Today, I have completed my midterm project. Mr. Clausen put an object in the middle of the room, and I had to create and turn it in for a grade. The object was a lamp. First, I created the light fixtures. I made a spline and then use a lathe nurbs to create the object. Then I added two cylinders, one for holding the switch in place and another that was the actual switch. I then made the base by creating a spline and also using a lathe nurbs. Then I created the pole that holds the lights, it is made out of three cylinders. Then I added three short cylinders to hold the light fixtures in place. Then I attached the three light fixtures onto the little poles and rotated them into position. Then I added textures and colors onto the object to make it look realistic. Finally, I added a light into each of the fixtures and a light above with a floor, added shadows and toned down the brightness of the lights to 50%. I rendered it and turned it in. I don't know what I'll do next week, but I will keep posting of what I do. Goodbye.

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