Monday, August 24, 2015

Final Exam

This week, I had to take my final exam, it was that I had to create a chess set. I had a board, floor, and a picture of the 6 kinds of chess pieces. Pawn, knight, bishop, rook, king, and queen. I built the 6 chess pieces, by using the free hand spline and drawing half of the piece and creating a lathe nurbs to create the second half of the object. Some, I had to use an extrude nurbs to make it bigger.  Some, I had to use a boole object to cut out some of the object to get the cool effect. After that, I added an array light and then added a chrome floor. I also added color to the chess pieces. And added a cool glass effect to make the pieces glass. Then I rendered it and turned it in. And posted the jpeg image on this blog. I will post more next year, because I will be in 3d animation making 3d objects and a two minute movie.

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