Monday, August 24, 2015

Mixed Media Project

This is the mixed media project by me. I used many different files to create this project, it had to go through 19 steps to create in total and use many different blending options. First, I had to get a blanc canvas and upload a paint file onto it. Next, I uploaded a spiral jpg in the background. Next, I made the background a cyan color. Then I had to upload a guitar jpg and have it fade away and get rid of the flooring. Then I made the guitar reappear in the picture. Then I added in a sheet music jpg and I cut it jagged. Then Iadded in some eigth notes and a light yellow lightning bolt on the sheet music. hen I added in the word music by creating a new layer and covering it white and erasing the white and positioning the word below the guitar. Next I added in a fire place jpg and made it blend in the picture to look like flames. Next, I added in an envelope jpg and faded it to create some light on the picture. Finally, I applied levels and brightened the picture and counter balanced it with shadows.

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