Friday, December 18, 2015

Final Exam Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year

Today, I finished my final exam for this class. I had to make a christmas greeting card using some old projects such as, the couch, lego men, and the logging truck. I first, added the lego men and the couch. I colored one couch red and green and the other green and red. I shrunk down the lego men and had them sit on the couch. I then made the gifts from a cube and extruded certain areas and colored that green and the rest red. I then made the snowman out of spheres and colored them white. I then added the buttons, eyes, and mouth that are all black. I then added the carrot nose using a cone and coloring it orange. I then made the hat by using a disc and a cylinder, coloring them black and put it on top of the snowman. I then made the gifts bigger and put them on the logging truck. Then, I made the christmas tree using a cone and coloring it green and adding colored spheres as ornaments. I then added the star, adding a glowing white on top of the tree and put the smaller gifts around the tree. Then, I added two planes and put a picture of Santa Claus on one and the birth of Jesus on another one. Finally, I added text saying Merry Christmas on the right, Seasons Greetings on the left, and happy Holidays in the front, I then rendered it on global illumination and turned it in. Thank you guys, for being patient unfortunately, this is the last post that I will post this entire year. So please be patient and wait until next year please, I promise that I will post more completed projects in my senior year in Multimedia Production. And Have a Safe and Merry Christmas, and good bye until next year. Bye. 

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