Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Grandfather clock

Today, I completed my grandfather clock. First, I made the body out of 2 cubes. I made the top part with a spline and used an extrude nurb. Then I made the main body out of a cube. I then traced the part for the stuff that makes the clock work go inside and used a boole to cut out part of the cube. I then made the clock face out of a cube and added a clock face texture. I then made the counterweights out of cylinders. I then made the hooks by making them with a spline and using an extrude nurbs and putting them on the cylinders. I then made the pendulum out of a cube and a disc and made the cube long enough. I then made the chain out of connecting tubes. And made chain for the chain for the counterweights to hang and extra chain behind to make the counterweights work. I then gave the body a black wood texture and painted all the inards a chrome yellow or a gold color. I then added a floor and painted the floor pink and added a light and rendered it. Thank you all for viewing my blog and being patient. I do not know what the next project that I will do, but I will start learning how to animate, because most of the people in my class cannot even handle building, so I will start animating tomorrow, bye.

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